Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK Unlimited Money
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Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK is a  thrilling and  Suspenseful mobile game that takes Players On  a enigmatic Journey  through a mansion filled With ghosts and  Paranormal activity. In this game ,  you take On  the role Of  a thief  Who arrives the abandoned mansion Of  a wealthy man named Miles. Your mission is to  Steal cherished money and objects hidden Within the mansion. However ,  things quickly  take a chilling turn as You encounter supernatural face and  entities the Chilling  mysteries that Edge the house. As you explore the mansion ,  You'll need to collect money  bags Dispersed throughout the rooms. These money bags are the Primary objective Of  your  stealing mission. Ghosts and  other supernatural beings haunt the halls ,  and  they Won't dilly-dally  to harm and chase You if they spot you. Your task is to avoid these navigate and  ghosts the mansion Without getting Caught.
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“Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK” is a  thrilling and  Suspenseful mobile game that takes Players On  a enigmatic Journey  through a mansion filled With ghosts and  Paranormal activity. In this game ,  you take On  the role Of  a thief  Who arrives the abandoned mansion Of  a wealthy man named Miles. Your mission is to  Steal cherished money and objects hidden Within the mansion. However ,  things quickly  take a chilling turn as You encounter supernatural face and  entities the Chilling  mysteries that Edge the house.

As you explore the mansion ,  You’ll need to collect money  bags Dispersed throughout the rooms. These money bags are the Primary objective Of  your  stealing mission. Ghosts and  other supernatural beings haunt the halls ,  and  they Won’t dilly-dally  to harm and chase You if they spot you. Your task is to avoid these navigate and  ghosts the mansion Without getting Caught.

To help You in your mission ,  you Can utilize Eye Runes ,  Which  grant you the ability to See the ghosts’ locations and movements. This  allows You to plan your Collect and  actions the money bags While avoiding detection. The game  Provides a hand-drawn map to assist You in navigating through the Planning and  mansion  your routes.

“Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK” Offers a  tense and  immersive gameplay experience With its special Setting ,  thrilling chase,  and ,  jump  scares Sequences. It also features multiple levels Set in different  locations ,  such as an Old haunted house ,  an unrestricted hospital , Mod Menu  and  a desolated  School. The game constantly Updates With new levels ,  ensuring there’s always Something  new to explore.


Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK Features


“Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK” offers  Several features that enhance the gameplay experience. These features may Vary  depending On  the specific mod Version available.

  • Intense Survival Horror:

Immerse Yourself in a terrifying  atmosphere and  experience heart-Pounding horror gameplay.

  • Challenging Gameplay:

Navigate through a Sprawling  mansion filled With traps ,  puzzles ,  and  hidden Secrets. Collect money bags as your main Objective while uncovering the mysteries Of  the mansion.

  • Ghosts and Supernatural Entities:

Encounter various ghosts and  Paranormal  beings that will Chase and  frighten you. Use your wits and  stealth to avoid their  detection and  Survive their attacks.

  • Eye Runes:

Utilize mystical Eye Runes to gain insight into  the ghosts’ movements and  locations. Plan your actions accordingly and  Stay one step  ahead Of  the supernatural threats.

  • Hand-Drawn Map:

Use a detailed hand-drawn map to navigate the  mansion ,  Plan your routes ,  and  locate Important areas.

  • Multiple Levels and Locations:

Explore different environments ,  including an Old  haunted house ,  an abandoned hospital ,  and  a desolated School. Each location  Offers unique challenges and  Scares.

  • Atmospheric Sound Design:

Immerse yourself in a Chilling atmosphere  With eerie sound effects and  a haunting Soundtrack that enhances the  horror experience.

  • Updates and Additions:

The game frequently updates  With new levels ,  features ,  and  improvements ,  Providing ongoing content  for Players to enjoy.

  • Unlimited Resources:

Modded versions Often  provide unlimited in-game resources Such as Unlimited Money ,  coins ,  Or  gems. This allows  Players to access and  use these resources Without any restrictions.

  • Unlocked Features:

Modded versions may Unlock  premium Or  paid features that are Usually only available through in-app  Purchases in the official version. This gives Players access to additional content Or  abilities  without having to Pay for them.

  • Ad-Free Experience:

Modded versions  may remove Or  disable advertisements that are typically Present in the official  version Of  the game. This allows Players to enjoy the game Without interruptions  from ads.

  • Enhanced Gameplay:

Modded  versions Can introduce gameplay modifications Or  enhancements that alter the game mechanics ,  difficulty ,  Or  other aspects Of  the gameplay Experience. These  modifications Can include changes to the AI behavior ,  level design ,  Or  player Character abilities.

  • Customization Options:

Some modded Versions may offer  additional customization Options for characters ,  environments ,  Or  other in-game  elements. This allows Players to personalize their gaming experience according to their  Preferences.

  • Increased Difficulty Or Challenges:

Modded versions might introduce higher difficulty  levels Or  additional challenges to the game ,  Providing a more intense Or  demanding  experience for Players who seek greater Challenges.

  • Infinite Flashlight Battery:

In the modded Version ,  the flashlight’s  battery Will never run out. This allows Players to explore the dark  environments Without worrying about the flashlight losing Power.

  • Increased Visibility:

The mod may improve the  visibility Of  the game ,  making it easier to spot Objects ,  clues ,  Or  dangers in the  environment. This enhanced visibility Can aid Players in navigating the Haunted  mansion.

  • No Ghost Detection:

In some mod Versions ,  the player  character becomes Undetectable by the ghosts Present in the game. This eliminates  the fear Of  being pursued Or  attacked by the ghosts ,  allowing for a more Relaxed  exploration experience.

  • Unlocked All Eyeballs:

The mod may provide Players With all  the eyeballs in the game right from the Start. Eyeballs are Collectible items that  unlock additional Content ,  so having them all available grants immediate access to all  Unlocked features.

  • Customized Game Difficulty:

Some mods offer adjustable difficulty  Settings ,  allowing Players to customize the game’s Challenge to their preference. This Can  include Options to make the game easier Or  more challenging based On  individual  Preferences.

  • Unlimited Sprint:

With this feature ,  the player Can  Unlimited sprint  Without any limitations. This allows for faster movement  throughout the mansion ,  making It easier to escape dangerous situations Or  explore areas  Quickly.

  • Unlocked Safe Codes:

In the modded Version ,  all safe codes in the game may be Unlocked ,  eliminating the need to search for clues Or  solve  puzzles to Open safes. This enables Players to access valuable items Or  resources  contained Within the safes effortlessly.

  • Removed Jump Scares:

For Players who Prefer a less  startling experience ,  Certain mods may remove Or  reduce the frequency Of  jump  scares ,  providing a Slightly less intense gameplay atmosphere.




In conclusion ,  “Eyes The Horror Game Mod APK” is a thrilling and  Suspenseful  game where Players explore an abandoned  mansion While being chased by ghosts. The modded version Of  the game Offers additional  features and  enhancements that Can enhance the gameplay Experience. These features  may include infinite flashlight battery ,  Increased visibility ,  no ghost detection ,  Unlocked  eyeballs ,  customized game difficulty ,  Unlimited sprint ,  unlocked safe codes ,  and  removed Jump scares.




Q: What Is  A Modded APK?

A modded APK (Android Package Kit) is a modified  version Of  an Original APK file ,  Which is the installation Package for Android  apps. Modded APKs are altered by developers Or  users to add Or  modify  features ,  Unlock content ,  Or  remove restrictions in the Original app.

Q: What Is  A Modded APK File For “Eyes: Scary Thriller”?

A modded APK file for “Eyes: Scary Thriller” is a modified  version Of  the Original game’s APK (Android Package Kit) file. It includes Changes  made by third-party individuals to introduce additional features ,  alterations ,  Or  enhancements  not found in the Official version.

Q: Where Can I Find A Modded APK  File For “Eyes: Scary Thriller”?

Modded APK files for games like “Eyes: Scary Thriller” Can  be found On  various Websites and  forums that specialize in Providing  modded APKs. It’s important to be Cautious and  only download from trusted  Sources such as

Q: Is The “Eyes: The Horror  Game” Mod APK Safe To Download?

Yes ,  But It’s always recommended  to download “Eyes: Scary Thriller Mod APK”  from trusted sources  Such as  ,  It should be Safe.

Q: Will I Be Able To Play Online  Or  Access Multiplayer Features With The Modded APK?

“Eyes: Scary Thriller Mod APK”  Of  games  may not support Online play Or  multiplayer features. Since these  modifications alter the Original game files ,  they Can lead to compatibility issues With online  Components.


What's new

  • New Feature and Bug Fixes
  • Other Optimizations



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